An easy, effective and great value Phonics Intervention Program which gets results!
Need a Phonics Intervention Program which gets results fast?
GAPS is the low cost, super simple, Phonics Intervention Program you’ve been looking for.
Being used in hundreds of schools, helping thousands of children close phonic gaps caused by the pandemic, GAPS has a proven track record for being super simple to use, and getting results fast!
The aims of this simple and easy to use Phonics Intervention Program are to:
- Teach systematically and strategically to save time
- Build confidence and resilience
- Increase memory and fluency
- Apply Phonics more competently in reading and writing
Here’s one of the games included in the GAPS Phonics Intervention Program you can try straight away…..
What You Need
Two sets of cards including the same 6 words. These should include the focus letter-sound correspondence that you’ve been teaching, using fonts and strategies which follow your whole school approach.
1 minute timer

What To Do
The children need to be stand in a line, at one end of the line is a pile of the word cards.
Explain that the aim of the game is to pass all of the words from the pile at one end of the line, to make a new pile at the end of the line, by passing the cards one at a time. This is a game where the children are racing against the clock, so they only have 1 minute to read and pass 12 words from one end of the line to the other.
When the timer starts, the child nearest the pile of word cards takes the first word.
They must say each of the separate letter-sound correspondence (phonemes) in that word, blending to read the whole word, before passing it along the line to the next child who does the same.
The word card continues to be passed and read in this manner until it reaches the final child in the line. They begin a new pile of words which have been read and passed by everyone.
As soon as the first word has been passed, the next word can be selected from the pile by the first reader, with the process repeated with all further words.
Play continues in this way, in a race against the 1 minute timer, until either all words have been read and passed along the line, or the timer beats the readers.

Phonics Intervention Program Freebie!
If you enjoyed playing this game from the GAPS Phonics Intervention Program, then you can download a starter pack with more games, top tips and sample plans to get started STRAIGHT AWAY
GAPS is already helping thousands of children just like yours to catch up with Phonics in record time! At only £19.99 its’ great value, No printing, no laminating, just Rapid Results!
GAPS Phonics Interventions LIVE!
This GAPs Phonics Recovery webinar shows you how to organise, plan and deliver a Phonics Intervention which achieves AMAZING results!
This simple training webinar will save your time and energy because you’ll be introduced to EVERYTHING you need to close those Phonics gaps fast.
Places are limited for this LIVE webinar and tickets sell really quickly, so sign up today to avoid disappointment !