Phonics KS2 and KS1 Recovery
Phonics recovery in KS2 and KS1, post pandemic, is a really big issue. We can see that children have far reaching Phonic gaps, regardless of their ages, and knowing the most effective way to close those gaps quickly is right at the front of our minds when we’re planning Phonics Interventions.
Here’s a game from the GAPS Phonics Intervention Program. Suitable for Phonics KS2 or KS1, this can be played to close those phonic gaps, regardless of age.
What you need
Two sets of cards with the same 6 words written on, 1 word per card. These need to include the focus letter-sound correspondence or the spelling alternative taught.
Whiteboard / paper and pen to keep score
A 5 min timer

What to do
Begin the game by giving the children five points on a whiteboard or piece of paper. Explain that the aim of the game is to cross off all of the points and get back to a score of zero, in 5 minutes.
Place all of the cards face down. Set a timer to 5 minutes.
The children take it in turns to turn over two cards. they will need to be encouraged to say each of the separate phonemes (letter -sound correspondences) in the words, blending them back together to be able to read them. Encourage all of the children to join in all together for the best results.
If both words turned over are the same, then the player gets to remove a point from the scoreboard and the children are one step closer to a score of zero. These cards are then removed from the game.
If a matching pair is not turned, play continues in the same way with the next player.
Continue in this way until all five points are removed from the scoreboard or the children run out of time
Phonics KS2 and KS1 Catch UP
If you enjoyed playing these simple Phonics KS2 and KS1 catch up games, then you can buy the full GAPS Phonic Intervention Pack here for just £19.99!
It’s already helping thousands of children just like yours to catch up with Phonics in record time!

GAPS Phonics Interventions LIVE!
This GAPs Phonics Recovery webinar shows you how to organise, plan and deliver a Phonics Intervention which achieves AMAZING results!
This simple training webinar will save your time and energy because you’ll be introduced to EVERYTHING you need to close those Phonics gaps fast.
Places are limited for this LIVE webinar and tickets sell really quickly, so sign up today to avoid disappointment !