Phonics for pupils with Special Educational Needs

Phonics for pupils with special educational needs is an essential online webinar series for teachers or leaders of reading in Special Schools or specialist provision. No matter where your students are on their journey towards reading, there’s heaps of information and practical ideas to get you started. Feel confident about getting phonics right, in line with The Reading Framework, regardless of the unique and complex learning needs in your school.

A picture of Emma Spiers a prephonics expert called The Learning Lady

Your Phonics for Pupils with Special Educational Needs trainer

My name is Emma Spiers, The Learning Lady!
I am an Early Learning Expert, specialising in pre-phonics, with a passion for high-quality special education. I work with many special schools and with organisations providing specialist provision to inspire and develop practice in early reading. I’m a governor of a special school and know that all special schools are completely unique. My aim with this training is to provide you with all of the practical suggestions and evidence based information you need to teach early reading  spectacularly well, wherever you are!

What Phonics for Pupils with Special Educational Needs includes...

  • Essential subject knowledge for non-specialists or secondary trained professionals.
  • Guidance for choosing the right validated phonics programme.
  • Tried and tested  solutions and practical ideas to use straight away.
  • An in-depth look at pre-phonic provision for PMLD students, from a stage, rather than age, perspective.

There’s heaps to take away and apply, no matter where your young people are on their 
pre-phonic or phonics journey, and whichever Phonics programme you are choosing to follow.

If you attend this 2 webinar series you'll receive...

Phonics for pupils with special educational needs

A workbook full of practical ideas, tools, and top tips to use straight away.

The most up-to-date information regarding the expectations for inspection and the Reading Framework

Recordings of both webinars to refer t following the sessions

The opportunity to submit questions for instant trouble-shooting and advice from an early reading expert with current Special School experience

a testimonial for the learning lady phonics for pupils with special educational needs training
a testimonial for learning lady bespoke consultancy for special schools

Phonics for Pupils with Special Educational Needs

In just 2 hours of training you’ll learn...

Webinar 1

  • What Phonics is and how it helps pupils through a systematic approach to reading.
  • Why a Phonics programme helps young people who find Phonics challenging, and how this can meet. individual needs, whilst still being consistent and repetitive.
  • What to consider when choosing a Phonics programme for your Special School.
  • How to identify key areas of difficulty in teaching Phonics for pupils with special educational needs.
  • How to best support students within the expectations of your chosen Phonics programme.

Webinar  2

  • Where pre-phonics starts and how to break preparation for phonics into tiny learning steps.
  • What pre-phonics should look like to best meet the needs of PMLD students.
  • How to identify starting points within individual development pathways.
  • Why pre-phonic development supports early reading for pupils of any age.
  • How to ensure effective progression over time.

Would you like this training for your whole Special School staff team?

With a spotlight on Phonics in Special Schools at the moment, there has never been a better time to up-skill your whole special school staff team. 

If you’re interested in working together to create bespoke training for your school, either in person or online, then we’d love you to hear from you.

You can reach out using the form below to start planning your training, with the individual needs of your Special School in mind……

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