Nursery Phonics Progression
and Assessment E-book
Nursery Phonics Progression
made easy!
This FREE Nursery Phonics Ebook is the essential tool kit to use before ANY PHONICS PROGRAMME. Get your preschoolers off to a flying start, pinpoint what they know and can do, and simply plan for school readiness with these super easy to use resources

Have you seen the Brand New Ready For Reading Training?
ESSENTIAL online PRE-PHONICS TRAINING for nursery and preschool is here!!!!!
The HIGH VALUE, SUPER ENGAGING pre-phonics training is for EVERYONE working with Nursery or Preschool aged children!
JAM PACKED with ESSENTIAL INFO, SUPER SIMPLE top tips and HEAPS OF PRACTICAL ACTIVITIES that you’ll be able to use STRAIGHT AWAY with your 2,3 and 4 year olds.
This training builds on Phase 1 Phonics, offering a simple alternative to use BEFORE EVERY PHONICS PROGRAMME.